Monday, February 27, 2012

Things are going well

I got cast in the Shakespeare summer stock production! Aaaaaand I got cast in my high school's production of The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940. Things are going rather nicely. Now all I need is a call from U of M... Not going to happen, but I can dream, right?

Thursday, February 23, 2012



Sorry. That was necessary.

Definitely not freaking out.

At all. I am totally calm. Serene, even. So what if my U of M audition is tomorrow? No bug deal. I am so calm that I don't care that the next four years of my life will be determined by two two-minute monologues. Nope. Not a bit. I am so collected right now it's scary.


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Pine and Peanut Butter

What an odd day. It started with my mother waking me up at the ungodly hour of 9 am to tell me that there was an audition for Shakespeare summer stock tonight. So I got up, hunted for monologues and set to work. Then I found out I needed a headshot. This would have been fine if I had remembered where I stored them. Naturally they were right under my nose, but in looking for them I found a spillage of some terrible nasty goo that apparently thickens paint. My mother's an art teacher, so we have these things lying around. It smelled like pine and was pretty much a very thick resin. It was also impossible to get off your hands once it came in contact with them. It was really horrid. I spent ages at the sink trying to wash it off, but my efforts were futile. Finally, my mother came up with the idea to use peanut butter. It worked like a charm, but left me smelling of an odd mixture of pine trees and peanuts. So, hands clean, headshot ready, I went to my audition. If you must know, it went very well.

Peanut butter is magical. That is the moral of this lengthy tale.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Got a call from the gang at the local university and I'M IN AT THE THEATRE DEPARTMENT. I just auditioned Saturday, so I guess they liked me. This is a massive relief, as I know I will be going somewhere. I was sorely afraid I wouldn't get in anywhere. It's a legitimate fear if you have to audition. And are only auditioning for three schools. So I'm going to college for sure. Phew.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Oh, I'm not very good at this.

I was planning on doing one post a day for 365 days, documenting the end of my senior year and my transition into college. Anyways, I haven't held up to this. So yeah. I'll try better, but I've just decided to try and have 365 posts by the end of the year, regardless of when they're posted.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


So I took the one act I directed to a festival and TOTALLY ROCKED IT! I got an award. Good weekend.

Good weekend.