Saturday, February 18, 2012

Pine and Peanut Butter

What an odd day. It started with my mother waking me up at the ungodly hour of 9 am to tell me that there was an audition for Shakespeare summer stock tonight. So I got up, hunted for monologues and set to work. Then I found out I needed a headshot. This would have been fine if I had remembered where I stored them. Naturally they were right under my nose, but in looking for them I found a spillage of some terrible nasty goo that apparently thickens paint. My mother's an art teacher, so we have these things lying around. It smelled like pine and was pretty much a very thick resin. It was also impossible to get off your hands once it came in contact with them. It was really horrid. I spent ages at the sink trying to wash it off, but my efforts were futile. Finally, my mother came up with the idea to use peanut butter. It worked like a charm, but left me smelling of an odd mixture of pine trees and peanuts. So, hands clean, headshot ready, I went to my audition. If you must know, it went very well.

Peanut butter is magical. That is the moral of this lengthy tale.

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