Monday, January 30, 2012


Didn't do much today either, but I vowed to do one a day so here's day three.

Oh, and I've discovered a site called wanelo. DO NOT GO ON IT. You will want to buy everything. But you can't. Because you're broke and can't have nice things.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

I have accomplished nothing today.

And it is wonderful. I've stayed in my pajamas, watched Moulin Rouge!, drank copious amounts of tea, and painted my nails. I feel fantastic. And, an added bonus, I will be watching a new episode of Downton tonight. Plus, there's no school tomorrow. Life is grand.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ok so new blog, I should probably dole out the basic info. My name is Alice, I'm an adult, or at least a reasonable facsimile of an adult. I enjoy tea, television, books and movies. I am a complete and utter nerd and am not ashamed of it. I love Tolkien and am absolutely obsessed with Doctor Who. And all BBC programs for that matter. Well, almost all. I aspire to be an actress, but we'll just see where that goes. Yeah. As you can see I am also extremely eloquent.

I think that's all I'm going to tell you for now. I'll maintain an element of mystery.
So. I have a blog now. Not entirely sure why. Probably my narcissism. Anyways, this is mainly for my benefit. Sort of. I guess. I was talked into this by my lovely friend Susan. (peculiarosity, look her up) So yeah. I guess I'll just be posting thoughts, opinions, musings...etc. I promise this won't be the rantings of a whiney teenager. Hopefully. That's about it.